Recruits Consultancy

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Reducing the Chances of Failing the Recruitment Process

We always question the suitability of the candidates but really the time to do the search is equally essential for companies and this time can be reduced by just taking a few precautions.

The first thing written when a client is searching for a new employee, that is highlighted on social media and job boards and read by candidates as well as recruiters is the job description. This simple document is the key to success, it must contain all the essential information about the position to be filled and it must give a good indication of the person being sought. A good job description is crucial for candidates in their research, but it also allows the employer to really think about the specific needs of his company, yet many employers do not realise its importance and therefore, these documents often lack important details and specificity.

RMC Note: “Among the missing elements are details on management and more specifically information about who will be the candidate’s supervisor but also how the company works and is organised and whether this position is a creation or a replacement. These details are important to candidates because they give an idea of how the company they apply to join is organised.”

Another factor of failure that RMC team often encounters is the fact that too many people are included in the recruitment process which lengthens it considerably. No candidate is perfect, the more people there are included in the process, the more likely it is that someone will notice a detail that doesn’t suit him; this detail may of course be important, but it can also be futile. Sometimes you have to give a chance to new profiles, people who are a little out of the ordinary who may not have the right training or professional background because they might just be the ideal candidates.

Another risk factor is if the client decides to commission several agencies on the same search. Especially on specific positions for which there are few candidates, these candidates may get confused when they are contacted several times by different recruiters.

So in brief, to finalise a recruitment process successfully:

  1. Be specific in the job description
  2. Talk to the upcoming hiring team and pre-set a stage schedule
  3. Do not readjust the candidate’s profile, experience, diplomas, pay structure, during the recruitment process
  4. Choose a minimum number of recruitment agencies so as not to scare away candidates

And above all, keep an open mind!

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