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How to Format Your CV for Recruiting Agencies

When it comes to looking for a job, sometimes we need to make our previous experiences and skills stand out as much as possible in order to attract our preferred job recruiters.

The best way to do this is through using a CV. If you are wondering how to format your CV for recruiting agencies, in this article, we share some expert tips on how to best prepare your CV for jobs, and give you the best chance possible of landing your next dream job.

Writing Your CV

Writing your CV can be tough. With so many different styles out there, how do you know which one is most likely to get you the job? It is important to know that individuality is key. Most employers prefer individuality over basic templates all filled out with the generic, overplayed content which the majority of people send in thinking it will land them the job.

Some of the most successful CVs to land jobs were those that went over the top to get the job. A good example is the story of a candidate who arranged for a box of doughnuts to be sent to the CEO of a company, including his application within the box. Long, story short, the candidate got the job. Although this example is a little extreme, the thing to take away from it is that individuality is essential.

When it comes to writing your CV then, what should you keep in mind? We cover a few primary considerations below to help you out.

Tailor Your CV to Specific Job Role

If you are entirely sure you want a role in a marketing company, for example, then the best thing you can do is tailor your CV to the exact qualities of the job required. What do we mean by tailoring your CV? If you do a little research beforehand on what type of role you’re looking to get into involves, this gives you a great idea of the type of skills and experience the company is looking for in a potential hire.

After doing some research, you can, therefore, write your CV accordingly, including specific skills which they are actively looking for and which will make you an attractive candidate to them. Of course, it’s never good to lie on a CV, but if you possess the skills or those similar, there’s no harm in including them.

Relevance is Key

As we mentioned tailoring your CV to your specific role, another thing that will be useful is to ask yourself the question ‘Will this help me get the job?’ before you write each section. This is because often we can get carried away including all sorts of information, which in the end might not even be necessary. It is imperative to play your strengths and always make sure it can relate to your preferred role in some way.

Keep It Straight to the Point.

Waffling is another problem many people make when it comes to writing their CVs. It is important to get straight to the point and cut out any unnecessary extras. The space you have in your CV is precious, and therefore should only be filled with the necessary information.

Order It Correctly

The order of your CV is also important. The most preferred order is in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job shown first. If you have recently graduated, then your education and degree should be featured on the first page. This makes it more attractive, especially to recruiters looking to fill positions with recent graduates.

If you have many work experiences, only include those which are relevant to the type of work you are looking to get into, or you can risk having too many pages with unnecessary experiences taking up too much space. On the other hand, if you have minimal work experience, try leading with your education history first and then your work experience afterwards.

Keep to a Reasonable Length

The length of your CV is also a consideration to think about. Many experts believe 1-2 pages is a fairly reasonable amount, with a focus on your most relevant experiences. It is vital that you focus on what you will eventually want to talk about in the interview and the elements which showcase you at your best.

Contact Details

It is crucial you make sure to add the correct contact details, to receive any possible communication from an employer. These details should be included on the first page of the CV. There is nothing worse than crafting and submitting the perfect CV only to have made a spelling mistake in your email, or giving a wrong number.

Keep your contact details brief. A full home address is not necessary, and simply including your town of residency is enough. A phone number and email are both handy to add on your CV as a means of getting in contact. Nowadays, many people who have Linkedin profiles also include their profile’s link, which is recommended. This gives employers a chance to see your digital presence and a quick look over your experiences there.

Use Bullet Points

Sometimes, merely writing about every work experience you have had can look quite dull on paper. An excellent way to break it up is by introducing bullet points to draw attention to any vital information or relevant factors. This will allow an employer to quickly skim through your profile and find your achievements without having to go through all the other information. Usually hiring managers tend to skim through a lot of CVs, so if you want to be in a with a chance – bullet points!

We have shared some pointers on how to format your CV for a recruiting agency. We hope this has made it clear on what to consider, and hopefully, you will be landing better job offers in no time.

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